Luis Perez
Luis Perez

Assistant Professor

About Me

I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics at Southern Methodist University. I received my Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota in May 2024.

My research interests are in Macroeconomics, Public Finance, and Industrial Organization. My recent work has tackled questions on market power, productivity, and health. Eager to learn more? Read my research statement.

Download CV
  • Macroeconomics
  • Public Finance
  • Industrial Organization
  • PhD Economics, 2024

    University of Minnesota

  • MSc Economics, 2017

    KTH Royal Institute of Technology

  • BA Business Administration, 2015

    Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Research Profile

I am a macroeconomist interested in Market Power, Aggregate Productivity, and Public Finance. My work seeks to advance three research agendas:

  • The first quantifies different sources of market power—monopoly and monopsony—and their impact on the macroeconomy.

  • The second addresses the question, Why are some countries more productive than others?

  • The third is concerned with policy and works toward detecting market failures in different aspects of economic life to propose optimal interventions.

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