Economic Growth (ME2708)

Economic Growth (ME2708)

Welcome! The aim of the course is to give students both broad and deep knowledge of the facts and the theories of economic growth. A special emphasis is placed on the relationship between technological development and economic growth.

The course starts with presenting facts about economic growth and then the four main growth paradigms are introduced: the neoclassical model, the Romer product variety model, the Schumpeterian model, and the AK model.

The study of economic growth requires highly theoretical models in order to understand how different factors affect the development of the economy and a large part of the course is devoted to develop students’ ability to use mathematics in solving these models. Group work and seminars are essential parts of the course, where students develop good working skills in using relevant mathematical tools for analyzing economic growth and designing policies.

Course Materials

Here you can find syllabus, slides, and homeworks.